Jan 18, 2012

Development: Headphones

Music is deeply personal and has been an important part of any generation. We cling to music as it kind of does define who we are and expresses what we feel and believe. The rockers and greasers of the 50's-60's had Elvis Presley, while the Mods had The Who. The 70's and 80's you could have been categorised as either a Punk, New Wave or a New Romantic. Can't really say I'm apart of a subculture or possess a great knowledge of music (like this guy), but I do know what I like.
Screenprint of the design.
Headphones was designed for all those who have a deep connection with music of any genre or decade. Music has a strange way of fusing with our emotions and our current state of mind. Pressing play and letting the burdens fall away, or getting that one song that expresses and gives a slightly better insight into our loneliness, happiness or anger. The iPod (or another portable media device of a previous music loving generation) has made music more personal and has allowed the music to be on a continuous repeat and at our control- this personalisation of music is what I wanted to capture.
A concept I did last year. Click image for larger view.
The image I did above illustrates some of my favourite artists and albums- they include Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys, Astro Coast by Surfer Blood, Yuck by Yuck and lastly Gimme Some by Peter, Bjorn and John. On the back of each LP cover it lists a couple of my favourite tracks from each album.
Screenprinted tee.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that music is toe-tappingly awesome. Once the headphones are on we can't help, but go into a pleasure zone free from clutter. 

 Thank you for reading.

The next article will be about the development of the Launched! Poster (2012).

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